As with everything technology oriented in our world today, the hearing aid industry is growing in leaps and bounds. In fact, recent advances in hearing aid products for those who suffer from mild to medium hearing loss has brought us a new class of modern ear-based hearing aid devices that offer consumers access to state-of-the-art technology with a myriad of options and features.

Advances in Hearing Aid Technology

NuEar is the forerunner when it comes to state-of-the-art hearing aid technology. Their latest creation, the Circa® AI hearing aid, utilizes machine-learning algorithms to monitor the acoustic environment and automatically adjust the background noise to amplify nearby voices.

But that’s just the beginning of what NuEar’s Circa® AI hearing aid can do! The Circa® AI offers these new technological advances for hearing aid wearers:

  • Counts Steps for Activity Monitoring
  • Tracks Time Spent Talking to People and Being Social
  • Fall Detection for Wearer with Automatic 911 or Loved One Notification
  • Real-Time Foreign Language Translation of 27 Languages Right in Your Ear

NuEar is the first company to put all the perks found in consumer devices known as “hearables” into their hearing aid devices to meet government standards for an approved medical device that is small and comfortable, with batteries that last for several days.

We Can Help

Are you ready to let this new technology work to improve your quality of life? Contact us today to schedule a free hearing exam at one of our convenient locations. It is our goal to help our patients have the best hearing possible. Schedule an appointment for your free hearing assessment today to get started!